List of publications
Mohebpour, M. A., Izadi Vishkayi, S., Vitale, V., Seriani, N., & Tagani, M. B. (2024). Origin and properties of the flat band in monolayer NbOCl₂. Physical Review B, 110(035429). Link
Campbell, A. J., Vitale, V., Brotons-Gisbert, M., Baek, H., Borel, A., Ivanova, T. V., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Lischner, J., & Gerardot, B. D. (2024). The interplay of field-tunable strongly correlated states in a multi-orbital moiré system. Nature Physics, 20(4), 589–596. Link
Jimeno-Pozo, A., Goodwin, Z. A. H., Pantaleón, P. A., Vitale, V., Klebl, L., Kennes, D. M., Mostofi, A. A., Lischner, J., & Guinea, F. (2023). Short versus long range exchange interactions in twisted bilayer graphene. Advanced Physics Research, 2(12), 2300048. Link
Campbell, A. J., Brotons-Gisbert, M., Baek, H., Vitale, V., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Lischner, J., & Gerardot, B. D. (2022). Exciton-polarons in the presence of strongly correlated electronic states in a MoSe₂/WSe₂ moiré superlattice. npj 2D Materials and Applications, 6(1), 79. Link
Baek, H., Brotons-Gisbert, M., Campbell, A., Vitale, V., Lischner, J., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., & Gerardot, B. D. (2021). Optical read-out of Coulomb staircases in a moiré superlattice via trapped interlayer trions. Nature Nanotechnology, 16(1237–1243). Link
Pizzi, G., Vitale, V., Arita, R., Blügel, S., Freimuth, F., Géranton, G., Gibertini, M., Gresch, D., Johnson, C., Koretsune, T., Ibañez-Azpiroz, J., Lee, H., Lihm, J.-M., Marchand, D., Marrazzo, A., Mokrousov, Y., Mustafa, J. I., Nandy, A. K., Narayan, A., Park, N., … Vanderbilt, D. (2020). Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32(165902). Link
Cheung, C. T. S., Goodwin, Z. A. H., Vitale, V., Lischner, J., & Mostofi, A. A. (2022). Atomistic Hartree theory of twisted double bilayer graphene near the magic angle. Electronic Structure, 4(2), 025001. Link
Goodwin, Z. A. H., Klebl, L., Vitale, V., Gogtay, V., van Gorp, X., Kennes, D. M., Mostofi, A. A., & Lischner, J. (2021). Flat bands, electron interactions, and magnetic order in magic-angle mono-trilayer graphene. Physical Review Materials, 5(084008). Link
Vitale, V., Atalar, K., Mostofi, A. A., & Lischner, J. (2021). Flat band properties of twisted transition metal dichalcogenide homo- and heterobilayers of MoS₂, MoSe₂, WS₂, and WSe₂. 2D Materials, 8(4), 045010. Link
Goodwin, Z. A. H., Vitale, V., Corsetti, F., Efetov, D. K., Mostofi, A. A., & Lischner, J. (2020). Critical role of device geometry for the phase diagram of twisted bilayer graphene. Physical Review B, 101(165110). Link
Vitale, V., Pizzi, G., Marrazzo, A., Yates, J. R., Marzari, N., & Mostofi, A. A. (2020). Automated high-throughput Wannierisation. npj Computational Materials, 6(1), 66. Link
Liang, X., Goodwin, Z. A. H., Vitale, V., Corsetti, F., Mostofi, A. A., & Lischner, J. (2020). Effect of bilayer stacking on the atomic and electronic structure of twisted double bilayer graphene. Physical Review B, 102(155146). Link
Goodwin, Z. A. H., Vitale, V., Liang, X., Mostofi, A. A., & Lischner, J. (2020). Hartree theory calculations of quasiparticle properties in twisted bilayer graphene. Electronic Structure, 2(3), 034001. Link
Prentice, J. C. A., Aarons, J., Womack, J. C., Allen, A. E. A., Andrinopoulos, L., Anton, L., Bell, R. A., Bhandari, A., Bramley, G. A., Charlton, R. J., Clements, R. J., Cole, D. J., Constantinescu, G., Corsetti, F., Dubois, S. M.-M., Duff, K. K. B., Dziedzic, J., Haynes, P. D., Hine, N. D. M., Mostofi, A. A., Payne, M. C., & Vitale, V. (2020). The ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory program. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(17), 174111. Link
Vitale, V., Dziedzic, J., Dubois, S. M.-M., & Skylaris, C.-K. (2017). Performance of extended Lagrangian schemes for polarizable force fields and density functional theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(2017). Link
Vitale, V., Dziedzic, J., Dubois, S. M.-M., Fanghor, H., & Skylaris, C.-K. (2015). Anharmonic infrared spectroscopy through the Fourier transform of the time correlation function formalism in ONETEP. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 11(2015). Link