Workshop on Twistronics and moire’ materials: Bridging theory and experiments

Workshop on moire materials, held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Jan 16 - 19 2024, Trieste, Italy Link to webpage

The aim of the workshop was to gather world-leading theorists and experimentalists in the field of moiré materials and to create a fertile environment for fostering ideas, promoting cross-talk between communities, and exposing researchers worldwide to the great variety of exotic phenomena in these materials. One of the most exciting developments in condensed matter physics in recent years is the emergence of moiré materials as a versatile platform to study quantum phases of matter. These materials exhibit a plethora of exotic quantum phenomena, including unconventional superconductivity, correlated insulating states, orbital magnetism, quantum anomalous Hall states, cascades of phase transitions, Chern insulators, unconventional ferroelectricity and superlubricity.

As a result, moiré physics touches many aspects of condensed matter physics, from blue sky research to cutting-edge technological applications.




One-day symposium on scientific machine learning

Symposium on scientific machine learning, held at the University of Trieste, Sep. 26 2023 Link to webpage

The symposium focused on cutting edge applications of machine learning techniques in physics, but also in other scientific fields such as chemistry and biology. It will feature two seminars by internationally renowned speakers and contributed talks by young and early career researchers from Trieste research institutions.

Invited Speakers


Workshop on on Frontiers in Excited State Electronic Structure Methods: from Spectroscopy to Photochemistry

Workshop on excited state methods, held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), May 16 - 19 2023, Trieste, Italy Link to webpage

This workshop will gather code developers from several electronic structure packages (Quantum Espresso, Orca, DFTB+, LiÔ, SIESTA, Newton-X, Yambo, BigDFT, Onetep, SHARC, Octopus, etc) involved in excited state method developments and applications. We will focus our discussions on practical challenges, implementation bottlenecks, state-of-the-art methodological developments, as well as limitations in real systems applications.


