
Hike to lake Tovel, Trentino

Hi there! I am Valerio Vitale, currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Department of Physics, University of Trieste, working on the UNICOSMOS project. My research focuses on theoretical and computational methods in condensed matter physics and materials science, with a special emphasis on moiré superlattices. Over the course of my academic journey, I have developed novel techniques in ab initio molecular dynamics, contributed to the theory of Wannier functions and its application, and to advancements in the understanding of strongly correlated states in moire’ materials, such as twisted bilayer graphene and twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides.

I am a member of the developer team for the Wannier90 code[1], which is widely used in the computational materials science community for the calculation of maximally localized Wannier functions. Additionally, I have contributed to other computational codes, such as ONETEP[2], which is designed for linear-scaling density functional theory calculations. In previous roles at Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge, I worked on projects involving high-throughput materials simulations and the development of methods for maximally localized Wannier functions, which are crucial for studying electronic properties in complex systems.

My current research aims to unravel the intricate electronic and optical properties of moire’ materials with potential applications in energy-efficient technologies and next-generation electronic devices.


  1. Pizzi, G., Vitale, V., Arita, R., Blügel, S., Freimuth, F., Géranton, G., Gibertini, M., Gresch, D., Johnson, C., Koretsune, T., Ibañez-Azpiroz, J., Lee, H., Lihm, J.-M., Marchand, D., Marrazzo, A., Mokrousov, Y., Mustafa, J. I., Nandy, A. K., Narayan, A., Park, N., … Vanderbilt, D. (2020). Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32(165902). Link

  2. Prentice, J. C. A., Aarons, J., Womack, J. C., Allen, A. E. A., Andrinopoulos, L., Anton, L., Bell, R. A., Bhandari, A., Bramley, G. A., Charlton, R. J., Clements, R. J., Cole, D. J., Constantinescu, G., Corsetti, F., Dubois, S. M.-M., Duff, K. K. B., Dziedzic, J., Haynes, P. D., Hine, N. D. M., Mostofi, A. A., Payne, M. C., & Vitale, V. (2020). The ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory program. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152(17), 174111. Link